Beauty Ideas, Nail Design

What are some reasons we bite our nails?

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Did you know that 20 to 30% of the population bite their nails? This bad habit that one is not as harmless as you think. But, what are some reasons we bite our nails? Today, the nail supply expert Maryton will give you answers. Just keep reading!

Nail biting usually begins in childhood and can accelerate during adolescence. There are several causes for this phenomenon:

  • Genetic. If you bite your nails, it’s probably because your parents do too and you adopted this behavior by imitation.
  • Impatience, frustration or boredom. Once nail biting becomes a habit, it becomes an unconscious act when a person is bored or frustrated.
  • Anxiety and stress. Nail biting can be a way for a person to decompress from stress or anxiety
  • Concentration. Sometimes a person bites their nails unconsciously while solving a problem.

Hoping that this article has pleased you and will give you ideas! In addition, I also advise you to invest in some professional manicure kits to care for your nails!


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