Beauty Ideas, Nail Design, Personal Care, Women Fashion

A Japanese manicure at home?

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Do you want to taste the joys of Japanese manicure, without going through the institute box? It’s possible! In this article, Maryton nail supply will give you two options.

You can buy a kit that will contain everything you need for your detox treatment: the polisher, the brush, the nail pastes and the glitter powder. Then all you have to do is get started!

Or, you opt for the “slow” version. You will still need a multi-sided buffing block, to first clean your nails and polish them. Then replace the nail paste with a nourishing oil. Ideal for beautiful natural nails is castor oil, which boosts keratin production. Massage nails and cuticles for a long time to penetrate the treatment. Then close the scales by polishing your nails using the softer side of the polisher. Thanks to Japanese manicure, blood circulation is boosted, your nails are pink and shiny!

To maintain beautiful natural nails throughout the year, do not hesitate to do this detox treatment on a regular basis. For your classic manicures, choose your varnishes carefully, making them as clean as possible! And since beauty often comes from within, make sure you eat a diet sufficiently rich in vitamins.

Remember that applying semi-permanent varnish and nail polish damage your nails when you apply it too often. Take the time to moisturize your cuticles, do treatments, massages, etc. The beauty of the nails also requires airing them and giving them time to grow back slowly. You will be able to get off to a fresh start for a new beauty look!

Hoping that this article has pleased you and will give you ideas! In addition, I recommend investing in some professional manicure sets to care for your nails.


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