Personal Care

Taking care of your nails every day

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It’s not always easy to have pretty nails! Mistreated by everyday stains or by habits that are not always suitable, nails can quickly become damaged and become brittle, ridged, split, or even in the most extreme cases, suffer from minor infections (fungal infections, whitlows, etc.). Today, the nail supplies expert Maryton will explain how to taking care of your nails every day.

Cleaning your nails properly

On a daily basis, all you need is a little soap and water to clean your nails properly. If you have long or particularly dirty nails, careful cleaning is essential, even if it means using a brush to remove all the dust and impurities that could get stuck there.

Cutting and filing your nails

Are your nails too long, or has a nail broken and you want to fix it? Be careful with nail clippers: the gesture is not always precise, and if the tool is badly oriented it can cut your nails a little too short.

 Metal Shell 35000 RPM Brushless Motor Portable Nail Drill
Metal Shell 35000 RPM Brushless Motor Portable Nail Drill

If you simply want to equalize their length or give them a nice shape, nail file is perfect for this. How to choose it? The cardboard file will be less traumatic than its metal version, but also less durable. The electric nail file can be a good compromise between durability and efficiency. In any case, remember not to make back-and-forth movements (which will weaken the nail) but to always file in the same direction.

Moisturize your nails and their surroundings

As for the cuticles, you can push them back, and possibly remove the little bits of skin that are sticking out, but be careful, you must not cut them or push them back too much or you risk exposing yourself to infections. The good tip is to soak your fingers in water for a few minutes, to soften the skin of the cuticles and then push them back more easily.


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